To An Unknown Future We All Surrender
-canvas 24x30

The Dance of Spring
-canvas 18x24

The Many Vessels of a Single Soul
-canvas 24x30

Breathing Underwater

There is a Storm in the affairs of Man
-canvas 24x30

Blessed By Beauty

The Silent and the Fervent

Memories That Love Has Kissed

The Unencumbered Dream
-canvas 24x30

In The Mist of Nothing:
In The Centre of Everything -canvas 24x30

Till the Ends of Time
-canvas 24x36

The Tragedy, the Ecstasy, the Calm Waters, the Stormy Sea -canvas 24x30

When Emotions Soar Free
-canvas 30x40

The Leaf and The Crow
-canvas 24x24

The Euphoria of Not Being
-canvas 24x30

Safe Harbour
-canvas 24x24

Moonlight Magic
-canvas 15x30

Where Wishes Bloom

A Perspective on Love

Great Imagination
-canvas 12x24

Love Where Past and Future Blend

-canvas 30x40

Born From Fire Turned To Ice

As Above So Below
-canvas 36x36

An Innocent Wonder of When
-canvas 24x24

The Rhythm of All Time and Every Season
-canvas 16x20

Reach for Eternity
-canvas 18x24

Buying Time.jpg

Built by Design
-canvas 30x48

The Depth of Unknown Reality
-canvas 24x30

The Future of Heath's Theme
-canvas 24x24

The Cage of Denial
-canvas 24x30

Lifes Complex Maze
-canvas 24x24

Song of Reconstruction

The Creation of You and Me
-canvas 24x24

The Songs That Make Us Whole
-canvas 24x30

Our Search for the Eternal Why
-canvas 24x30

The World of the Unplanned Man
-canvas 24x30